MAINE AUTHOR BOOK REVIEWLANDSLIDE by Susan Conley In the summer of 2021 (hence the beach photo), I was fortunate not only to read this Maine-based book by author, Susan Conley, but to also attend an author event (sponsored by Mockingbird Bookshop in Bath), where Susan...
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WELLNESS & SELF-CARE BOOK REVIEW BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert I know I am late to the game with this one. Published in 2015 and just discovered by me in 2021… Nevertheless, I am so thankful that I found it when I did. In fact, I...
Book Review: A Year at the Chateau by Dick & Angel Strawbridge: Inspiration in the French Countryside It is not unusual for my favorite stories to take place in other countries – and this one is no exception. A writer friend of mine introduced me to a reality...
Mini Review Home Cooking – A Writer in the Kitchen by Laurie Colwin Who knows when or how I came across Laurie Colwin – I should really start writing this stuff down… I read this last year (2021 – when I became obsessed with cooking after several...