Altan – The Tunes

Altan – The Tunes

Book Review: Altan – The Tunes Non-Fiction | Maine Books Book Review: Altan-The Tunes. This book review is for my traditional Irish and Scottish music loving friends. Altan is one of my all-time favorite traditional Irish music bands. I have been listening to them for...

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Book Review: Faron Goss by Diane Lechleitner

Book Review: Faron Goss by Diane Lechleitner

Book Review: Faron Goss by Diane Lechleitner (Maine Books) The award-winning book, Faron Goss, by first-time novelist, Diane Lechleitner, is my latest review in the Maine Books category. While it is fiction in genre, as a social worker and mental health therapist…

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LANDSLIDE by Susan Conley

LANDSLIDE by Susan Conley


In the summer of 2021 (hence the beach photo), I was fortunate not only to read this Maine-based book by author, Susan Conley, but to also attend an author event (sponsored by Mockingbird Bookshop in Bath), where Susan…

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ONE BY ONE by Ruth Ware

Confession time – murder mysteries set in winter are at the top of my list of favorite genres – I guess I find reading with the seasons to add to the thrill of the genre. Add an isolated ski resort in the French Alps, and a large group of potential murderers and I will happily skip responsibilities and obligations to curl up with the pups and escape to a mysterious wintery setting for a few hours.

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A Bookish Day in Midcoast Maine: Bath – Part 1

A Bookish Day in Midcoast Maine: Bath – Part 1

Stacia’s Insider’s Guide A Bookish Day in Midcoast Maine Bath – PART 1 Stopping by Mockingbird Bookstore? Check out the rest of this adorable town too! Reminiscent of English villages, Bath’s maritime history is evident around its bustling downtown. It sits alongside...

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The Winter House

The Winter House

The Winter House by Joan MacCracken Maine Book & Author! Book Review: People I know “from away” often-times have a puzzled look on their face when I tell them how much I love living in Maine in the winter. Naturally, there are the visions of sailboats meandering...

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A Year at the Chateau

A Year at the Chateau

Book Review: A Year at the Chateau by Dick & Angel Strawbridge: Inspiration in the French Countryside It is not unusual for my favorite stories to take place in other countries – and this one is no exception. A writer friend of mine introduced me to a reality...

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Mockingbird Bookstore – Bath, ME

Mockingbird Bookstore – Bath, ME

Mockingbird Bookshop, Bath, Maine Located in Bath, Maine, this classic bookshop has been run by owners Terri & Jeff Schurz since 2014. Mockingbird is what I consider to be the “just right” bookstore size. The owners and staff are friendly, helpful, and respectful....

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